Sunday, February 27, 2011

The "Dress Code"

What people wore during the Tang Dynasty indicated where they were in the social hierarchy. Noble women and ladies of the court wore silk clothing that reached the ground. Their outfits consisted of long robes, various different tunics, skirts, and sashes. The outfits were colorful and elaborate and had divine decorations.  Women also had lots of makeup on their faces and there complections were made to be very pale. Their hair was twisted into buns on their heads and they were decorated as well as held in place by exquisite combs and pins. Men also had long silk clothing that reached the ground. But their sleeves were very wide and long and were mostly weighed down so that they wouldn't blow around. Headpieces showed a man's place in the hierarchy. They are different shapes and sizes and were usually made from leather or lacquered material. The color yellow was only worn by the Emperor and his sons because it was an "imperial color." Brides wore red because it was a symbol of happiness and grooms wore green. The emperor's grandsons could wear purple which is the symbol of potential.

Chinese Buddhism

During the time where Empress Wu Zetian was in power, there was a lot of development of Buddhism. She made it the favored religion over Taoism. The Buddhist Church believed that Empress Wu Zetian was the reincarnation of the Buddhist savior Buddhisattva Maitreya. Buddhists' belief was the men and women were equal. Wu Zetian proved that to everyone when she was appointed Empress. She had Buddhist monasteries built to draw people into her religion. Many of the most beautiful pieces artwork from Buddhist cave sculptures were composed during that time. Empress Wu Zetian thought it was very important that women be seen as equal to men to she hired them to do jobs that men would normally do and had biographies written about hard working women to show off their strengths.

The New Invention!

A very important invention was the invention of wooden furniture. It was discovered on the silk road, a place where people traded goods. The Emperor's furniture was elaborately carved and crafted by hand by a craftsmen. The furniture was made out of rosewood with ivory or mother of pearl. The wooden chairs were classified in a hierarchy. Someone of high rank would sit in a wooden chair that had arms and either a square or round back. People in the military sat in chairs that were upholstered in animal hides. Those of low rank sat in chairs that did not have arms. A special kind of chair was called the drunken lord chair which was different from the other chairs. It was a lounge chair with head and foot rests that fold out when needed. Chairs weren't the only items made out of wood. tables and other home furnishings were as well. Before the invention of the wooden chair, people would sit on a stool.

Interview with Empress Wu Zetian

Why did you step down from the throne after so many years of ruling?

Empress- I must admit, I am getting old. But I was planning on ruling until my death. Those plans changed when my third son recently forced me to give up the throne for him. I wasn't pleased with his actions. I ruled for so many years, so this is a big change for me.
Was it challenging at first during the beginning of your reign?

Empress- It wasn't too challenging. I was making all the decisions at the end of the late Emperor Gaozong's reign, and that helped me gain experience. I am a tough women and I think even though there were times that I had to make drastic and at times unfair decisions, I made the right decisions.

What exactly went on when Empress Wang supposedly choked your baby girl to death?

Empress- There has been talk that I killed my own daughter to frame Empress Wang because she was a threat to me. To clear up the confusion, yes, I killed my daughter to frame Wang. I went into my daughters room, choked my baby girl to death, then carefully covered her. Empress Wang enjoyed visiting with my daughter and I knew she was going to be stopping by that day to visit her so before she came over, I went into my daughter's room. I choked her to death and carefully covered her. When Wang discovered her I made sure that no one else was around so that there could not have been anyone else who could have done this. They court sentenced Empress Wang to death. She was a threat to me, so I took care of it. If I do not like something, I am not afraid to take action and fix it.

What influences your decision making? Do you find it challenging to make decisions?

Empress- I have made some huge decisions in my lifetime. I made big decisions during Emperor Gaozong's reign, and I have made bigger decisions during my reign. Killing my daughter wasn't the best decision but I had to do what I had to do. Another was exiling my son. If something is in my way and I think it could be a threat, I take care of it. If you do not believe me, Empress Wang is proof. I do not like things (or people) that are in my way. 

 How successful do you think your reign was? 

I think it was very successful. During my reign, Buddhism developed a lot because it is said that I am the reincarnation of Buddhisattva Maitreya, a Buddhist savior. So far I am the only women ever to rule as Emperor. Also on my long list of achievements is my establishment the Zhou Dyansty. I didn't fool around during my reign. I wanted only the best to run the government, and I believe that I treated them fairly, and with respect. I made our Army smaller and allowed scholars to be in it as well. I treated everyone fairly and everyone had a chance to run the government because I created exams for them to take, instead of picking people. I believed that you have to prove yourself worthy of the spot.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A true loss

The recent news of the passing of the former Empress Wu Zetian is extremely devastating. To own the title of the only women so far in history to rule as emperor is a great achievement that she has carried forth with her. She established the Zhou Dynasty, which is also on her list of great achievements. The Empress was not someone to mess with. At one point she killed her own daughter to frame someone, but regardless of that, she did her job well. Although women right now have more freedom than they did years ago, they still are considered less important than men. I believe that there will not be someone like her ruling for quite some time. The Buddhist Church said that she was the reincarnation of Buddhisattva Maitreya, a Buddhist savior. It was an honor to have a savior rule. She made Buddhism the major religion over Daoism and Buddhism was developed the most while she was in power which is a huge part of our lives. Empress Wu Zetian is going to be buried alongside the late Emperor Gaozong. She will truly be missed. May the empress rest in peace.

Empress Wu Zetian Dies at Age 80

Yesterday, Empress Wu, who has been ruling for several years, has died at the age of eighty. Recently, she was forced to give up her throne to her third son after several years of ruling. She started off as the concubine of the late Emperor Gaozong. Towards the end of his reign, she was making most of the important decisions for the Empire, and then when Emperor Gaozong died, she took over.
 "This news is very devastating." A women described. "By her ruling, it shows us women that women can rule just as well as men."
  Empress Wu Zetian has been known as a very harsh, powerful women and is not afraid to use her power. The Empress had spies to spy on people who might be standing in her way or not agree with her. To frame another Empress, she killed her own daughter and another time she exiled her own son. She made a lot of changes while ruling. Empress Wu Zetian made Buddhism the major religion of her time since she had secret support from the Buddhist church and the church had described her as a reincarnation of Buddhisattva Maitreya who was a Buddhist savior. So far in history, she has been the only women to rule. She will be buried with the late Emperor Gaozong.